People suffering from golfer's elbow may encounter pain or numbness and tingling that radiates from the inside of the elbow into your hands and fingers while gripping or squeezing. However, using the best golfer's elbow treatment will help you reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of the golfer's elbow without going through expensive surgeries.
Here are the top treatments for golfer's elbow from experts:-
1. Pain management: avoiding painful movements of your hand will help your inflamed tendons to heal. You can use ice, elbow wand, and other acugrounding tools to get instant results from the symptoms of the golfer’s elbow.
2. Manual therapy: the top therapists use manual techniques to help the muscles regain their full movement. It includes gentle joint movements, elbow, forearm, and wrist stretches that provide relief from the symptoms of the golfer's elbow.
3. Strengthening exercises: the physical therapists determine which exercises are right for you to do as your pain lessens. It includes resistance exercises to challenge weaker muscles.
ZTG offers the best elbow wand, equipped with ultrasound and far-infrared technology to treat a golfer's elbow. It is considered an effective golfer's elbow treatment that provides instant comfort without going through surgeries or time-consuming exercises.